Ervum hirsutum Linn.
Trailing or climbing annual herb, stem pubescent to glabrescent. Leaf paripinnately compound, leaflets 6-20, 4-15 mm long, 1.5-3 mm broad, linear, obtuse, truncate or marginate, mucronate, sparsely pubescent when young; stipules semisagittate to lanceolate, the lower toothed or laciniate, tendril mostly branched. Inflorescence a 2-7-flowered, axillary, peduncled raceme, peduncle up to 4 cm long. Calyx 1.5-3.0 mm long, pubescent, teeth equal to or longer than the tube. Corolla rose or pale-blue. Vexillum 3-5 mm long. Fruit 6-11 mm long, 2.5-4 mm broad, pubescent to subglabrous, 1-2-seeded.
Fl.Per.: February-August.
Lectotype: Herb.Linn.907/5 (LINN).
Syntype: Hort.Cliff. (BM).
Distribution: Pakistan; Kashmir; India; Nepal; Russia; Middle East; Far East; N. Africa; Europe; Congo; Ethiopia; Angola, may have been introduced at many places.
I preferred the above-mentioned specimen (Ali, l.c.) because Linnaeus (l.c.) has given a fresh description in the Species Plantarum, in addition to citing the Hort. Cliff. reference.