Ziziphus vulgaris Lam.
A small tree or shrub, with spreading branches, glabrous, prickles stout, straight up to 3 cm long, older tree unarmed, leaves coriaceous, glabrous, obliquely oblong-ovate, lanceolate, crenate to serrate, obtuse-subacute, base slightly cordate, 2-5 cm x 1-2.5 cm; petiole very short c. 1-2 mm long, Inflorescence of axillary clusters. Flower 3-4 mm in diameter, peduncles very short; pedicels 1-2 mm long. Calyx ovate, acuminate somewhat keeled. Petals spathulate cucullate, c. 2 mm long. Disc thin, 5-lobed, styles 2 united to the middle, fruit globose or oblong 1-2 x .5-1 cm, succulent, shining.
Fl. Per.: June-July.
Type: Described from Europe.
Distribution: S. Europe, Mediterranean region, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, Mongolia, Japan, China, Tibet, S. & E. Asia.
Economically an important tree or shrub. Fruit is used for bronchitis, the bark contains tannin. The wood is dense and is used for turning.