Xylosma longifolium Clos. in Ann. Soc. Nat. ser. 4,8: 231. 1857. Hk. f. & Thoms. in Hk. f. Fl. Br. Ind. 1:194..1875; Parker, Forest Fl. Punj. 23.1918.
Vern. Batti.
Medium sized trees. Wood scented. Leaves 5-12 cm long, glabrous, elliptic, oblong to lanceolate; margin serrate; apex acute to shortly acuminate; short petioled. Flowers in short branched clustered racemes. In male flowers sepals 4-6, 1-2 mm long, ovate. Anthers dorsifixed. In female flowers sepals 4-6, imbricate. pedicels pubescent. Style short; stigma lobed. Fruit globose, 3-4 mm in diameter, black. Seeds 2 mm long, oblong to obovoid.
Fl. Per. Winter months.
Distribution: Moist ravines in the sub Hamalayan zone, ascending to 1500 m from West Pakistan to the Eastern Himalaya in India.
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