Bupleurum exaltatum M-Bieb., Tabl. Prov. Casp. 113. 1798. D.C. Prodr. 4:131. 1830; Rech. f. & Riedl, l.c. 37.
Bupleurum falcatum ssp. exaltatum var. euexaltatum L. WolffBupleurum falcatum var. exaltatum Briq.
Perennial, shrubby, up to 70 cm tall; base woody. Stems 1 or more from the base. Basal and lower leaves linear, coriaceous, up to 12 cm long, 2-3 mm broad, veins 3-5, secondary veins obscure; upper leaves similar, shorter. Involucral bracts 3-5, short, linear. Rays 3-5, thin, unequal. Involucel of 5 linear bractlets, as long as the flowering pedicels. Fruit oblong, 3 mm long; ridges prominent: furrows 3-vittate; commissure 4-vittate.
Type: Described form Southern Russia.
Distribution: South Europe, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, W. Pakistan.
A plant of dry Artemisia and juniperus tracts. This and the following four species are all closely related and sometimes given subspecific or varietal rank under B. falcatum.
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