Baeobotrys indica Roxb.
Large, evergreen, glabrous shrub, with a thin, lenticellate bark. Leaves ovate-oblong to elliptic-lanceolate, 7.5-15 (-17.5) cm long, 3-7 cm broad, serrate or dentate, acute to acuminate, base rounded to narrowed; petiole 1-2.5 cm long. Flowers small, 4-5 mm across, white, usually in branched, axillary racemes, shorter than leaves. Calyx campanulate. Corolla lobes ovate, obtuse, rotate, minutely dentate at margins. Berry 5-7 mm across, globose, whitish, surrounded by persistent calyx.
Fl. Per.: Usually Jan.-April.
Type: Bengal (Chittagong), Roxburgh..
Distribution: Native of the lower Himalayas, India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
The only mention of this species in our area is given by Lambert (Ind. For. Bull. no. 80:21.1933) from Kashmir. We have not seen herbarium material of it and the record requires confirmation. It may also be cultivated in our area. It has soft, brownish wood which is used as fuel. Fruit and bark are said to be used in poisoning fish, and leaves are used for making curry in some parts of India (Cooke, l.c.; Talbot, l.c.).