2. Kyllinga triceps Rottb., Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl. 14. 1773; C. B. Clarke, l.c. 587; Kukkonen in Taxon 44: 26. 1995; in Rech.f., l.c. 153.
Cyperus triceps (Rottb.) Endl., Cat. Hort. Vindob. 1:94. 1842; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 92; Kyllinga tenuifolia Steud., Syn. Pl. Cyperac.: 69. 1855; Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy, in Exell, Catal. Vasc. Pl. S. Tomé: 363. 1944; Koyama in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 16: Pl. 4, C. 1955. Haines & Lye, Sedges and Rushes E Afr.: fig. 466. 1983.
Caespitose perennial, 5-35 cm, stem base bulbous, with tillers. Stem 0.5-1 mm diam., trigonous, smooth. Leaves c. half of stem length; sheaths to 60 mm, grey, strongly veined, blackish and with age disintegrating into fibres, mouth margin concave; blades up to 20 cm, 2.5 mm wide, flat, greyish green, margins smooth or margins and midnerve below towards apex scabrous, apex long-attenuate, acute, trigonous, scabrous. Inflorescence by 1 - 6, commonly 3, sessile, compact, globose, greenish-white heads (clusters of spikes), 6-10 mm, central head usually larger and longer than others; cluster of spikes of 50-100 spikes, spirally arranged; 2-4 bracts foliose, to 10 cm, spreading or reflexed; spikes 2-2.5 x c. 0.8 mm, ovoid, with minute pedicel; scarious, glume-like bract c. 1 mm; glumes 2, opposite, keeled and folded, acute, keel smooth, prominent, sides scarious with 3 prominent yellow-brown nerves. Stamens 2. Nut c. 1.2 mm, ovoid, compressed, brown, papillose.
Fl. Per.: August - October.
Lectotype: India, "In regione Malabarica", (C) microfiche! selected Kukkonen, l.c.: 626. 1995.
Marshes, wet meadows, to 2000 ft; Distribution: Africa S of Sahara extending to Angola and Mozambique; Pakistan, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, Australia.
Reported from Rawalpindi, Lahore and Poonch by R.R.Stewart, l.c.
Additional Comment from Kanchi N. Gandhi (29 July 2007): K. triceps Rottb. is an superfluous illegitimate name. Kukkonen's proposal to conserve failed. Also "Taxon 44: 26." is an error for "Taxon 44: 626."