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Pakistan | Family List | Liliaceae | Gagea

31. Gagea ova Stapf in Denkschr. Acad. Wien. 50(2): 16. 1885. Vved., Opred. Rast. Sredn. Asii, 2: 37. 1971; Wendelbo et Rech.f. l. c. 49. t. 34; Xinqi et Turland l. c. 121. (Fig. 23, A-T).

S. I. Ali and I.G. Levichev

Gagea ova

Credit: I.G. Levichev

  • Gagea persica var. persica auct. non Boiss.: S. Dasgupta & Deb
  • Gagea stipitata var. ova (Stapf) Pascher

    Plants of the lower belt of mountains, mainly single, leaves thin, 10-20 cm long. Bulb obliquely-dro p-shaped, 7-10 mm diameter, covered by densely-coriaceous, brown-black tunics (not forming a neck), in juvenile specimens with sclerified roots, in generative period without sclerified roots. Vegetative bulbils in small group are formed annually, cellular, basal bulbil large, semi-dro p-shaped, sister bulbils oblong, roundish or faceted, all with a vertical white strip indicating the region of attachment. Peduncle 6-10 cm long, roundish in T.S., c. 1 mm in diameter. Basal leaf single, longer than the inflorescence, linear, in T.S. tru ncate-roundish, solid, c. 1 mm in diameter. Leaves on peduncle alternate, gradually decreasing, lower shorter or longer than the inflorescence, oblanceolate-linear, 2-3 mm broad at the base, gradually ending in a long cylindrical tip. Inflorescence paniculate, friable, 3-9-flowered. Tepals white, pale yellow or yellow, 9-11 mm long, about 1 mm broad, external tepals shorter, internal rounded at the top. Ovary oblong, stipitate. Capsule oblong, stipitate, about half the length of the perianth. Seeds brown, fine-meshed, thickly-flat, lobule-form, sometimes faceted.

    Fl. Per.: April-May

    Lectotype (designated here): [N.W. Iran, 35°31'N, 49°11'E] Persia, Mt. Karaghan, ad Schurab, Th. Pichler (K! cum isotypes, isotypes and syntypes WU: photo LE!, RAW!).

    Distribution: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, N. and S.W. Xinjiang, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan; Kashmir.


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