10. Iris kemaonensis Wall. ex. Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 372. 1939; Iris kamaonensis Wall. Cat. 5052. 1831-32, nom. nud.; Wall. ex D. Don in Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18: 311. 1840; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 274. 1892; Baker, Handb. Irideae: 24. 1892; Blatter, Beaut. Fl. Kashm. 2: 166. 1928; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 64. 1972; B. Mathew, Iris: 67. 1981; Rix in SGBIS, l.c. 103. 1997. (Fig. 2, C-E).
S. I. Ali & Brian Mathew
Roots fleshy. Rhizome knobbly, leaves up to 45 cm long, 2-10 mm broad, linear. Peduncle (stem) usually short. Bracts 2-3 c. 5-6 cm ( 1.5-2.0 cm, acuminate, sheathing base of hypanthial tube; pedicel up to 1.5 cm long. Flower 4-5 cm in diameter, lilac purple with darker blotches; hypanthial tube 5.0-7.5 cm; falls 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm broad, haft cuneate; beard of dense white hairs tipped with yellow or orange; standards c. 4(1.5 cm obovate; filaments blue, anthers lavender; style c. 3.0(0.5 cm, crest small, triangular, crenate, stigma entire, crenate, capsule 2.0-2.5 cm, almost sessile at ground level; tapering to a pointed tip, dehiscence longitudinal. Seeds pyriform, brown red, arillate, aril cream coloured.
Fl. Per.: May-June. Vern.: Piaz., Karkar, Tezma.
Type: Kamaon, Wall. Cat. 5052 (K-W).
Royle (l.c.) has cited 'Wall. Cat. n. 5052 and 2 specimens: Kemaon (Blinkworth), Kedar Kanta (Royle). Wallich in has Catalogue has referred to only one locality "Komaon". Hence Wall. Cat. 5052 is being accepted as the Type.
Distribution: From Yunnan and Szechuan westwards through Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, India (Himachal Pradesh, Kumaon) and Kashmir.
Leaves are used as fodder; leaves and roots are used in fever (Kirtikar & Basu, l.c. 2461. 1991; Ambasta et al. l.c. 295. 1986).
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