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6. Convolvulus pseudocantabricus Schrenk in Fisch. & Mey., Enum. Pl. Nov. 1:21. 1841. Aitch. In J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.). 18:82.1880, Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. 348. 1888, Grigor., Fl. URSS. 19:20. 1953, Kitam., Fl. Afghan. 311.1960, Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 2:12.1963, Sa’ad, l.c. 100, Stewart in Biologia (Lahore), 13,2:94.1967, Stewart, Ann. Catalogue l.c. 573. (Fig. 2, A).


National Herbarium, Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad. ( Now at Newnham College, Cambridge, England.)

Convolvulus pseudocantabricus

Credit: M.Y. Saleem

  • Convolvulus dianthoides Kar. et Kir.
  • Convolvulus pseudocantabrica subsp. dianthoides Vved.
  • Convolvulus pseudocantabrica var. Dianthoides (Kar. et Kir.) Sa’ad

    Shrubby perennial, branched, 30-70 cm tall, with a broom-l ike appearance. Leaves sessile, lanceolate to linear (6-) 32 mm long, base attenuate, subacute to acute, glabrous above, appressed sericeous-pilose below. The upper leaves linear and smaller in size. Flowers 1-2, axillary, pedicellate. Bracteoles minute. Sepals almost equal, 4-5 mm long, oblong to oblong-spathulate, obtuse, mucronate, glabrous, the inner slightly longer or equal to the outer sepals. Corolla 17-20 mm long, pink to white-pink, hairy on the plaits outside, the tube glabrous. Ovary glabrous, on a disc. Capsule ovoid or obovoid, 6 mm long. Seed 1, dark brown, 3.5 mm long, hirsute.

    Fl. Per.: May-July. Fr. Per.: June-July.

    Type: USSR, Dzuhngaria- Tarbagatai (Koksu-River), Schrenk s.n. (LE).

    B-6 Chitral, Birmoglasht, 7-8000’, Siddiqi & Rehman 26848 (RAW), id., Zaffar Ali 10324 (RAW), rd. to Bombrait, c.7500 ft., Y. Nasir 5047 (RAW), Baluchistan : G-2 Makran Dist.: 2 miles from Sunstar on way to Mand, Qaiser, A. Raza & A. Hussain 1023 (KUH), 50 miles from Mand on way to Sunstar, in dry river bed, A. Ghafoor & M. Qaiser 269 (KUH), 12 miles from Mand, Ali, Farooki & Sultanul Abedin 1676 (KUH).

    Distribution: Iran. Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR (Uzbekistan, Kazakhistan, Turkmenia).

    Found on the N. Western region of Pakistan (Chitral), and Makran Dist. at 1500-3300 m, in dry river beds, gravelly sandy soils and rocky hillocks.


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