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Pakistan | Family List | Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea

14. Ipomoea purpurea (Linn.) Roth, Bot. Abh. 27. 1787. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:200.1883, Duthie, Fl. Upper Ganget. Pl. 2:117.1911, Bamber, Punj. Pl. 609.1916, van Ooststroom in van Steenis, F. Males., ser. 1, 4:465.1953 , R.R. Stewart, Ann. Catalogue Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 576. 1972.


Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

  • Convolvulus purpureus Linn.
  • Ipomoea hispida Zucc.
  • Pharbitis purpurea (Linn.) Voigt

    Plants annual, the stems twining, pilose to hirsute with spreading trichomes. Leaves broadly ovate to cordate, 2-10 cm long, entire or trilobate, pubescent on both surfaces. Flowers in 1-5-flowered cymes. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, 8-16 mm long, apically abruptly acute, hirsute on the basal portion. Corolla purple, pink, blue or with stripes of these colours on a white background, throat white, 3-5 cm long. Fruit capsular, depressed globose, 10 mm long. Seeds black, pyriform, glabrous.

    Fl Per.: July-September.

    Type: U.S.A., illustration of Convolvulus folio cordate . . . . etc., Dill., Hort. Elth. t. 84. f. 97. 1732 (here selected lectotype).

    B-7 Swat: July 1961, M.A. Malik s.n. (PES), Hazara Dist.: Abbottabad, July 1938, Madanjit Singh s.n. (RAW), C-6 Kurram: Shalozan, M.A. Siddiqi & Y. Nasir 6959 (RAW), C-7 Jhelum Dist.: Salt range, Sakesar, A. Rahman s.n. (RAW) , Rawalpindi Dist.: Wah, Saida Qureshi 272 (KUH), Murree Hills, Gharial, R.R. & I.D. Stewart 4111 A (RAW), id., 3906 (RAW), Barian, Sultanul Abedin 7620 (KUH), C-8 Kashmir: Rajouri, T.N. Dhar 31 (RAW), D-4 Baluchistan: Quetta, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor 4322 (KUH).

    Distribution: A native of Americas, this species is now pantropical through cultivation and naturalization.

    Morning Glory is cultivated and naturalized in the plains and the hills to 2300 m.


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