I.C. Hedge
Salvia glutinosa subsp. nubicola (Wall. ex Sweet) Murata
Perennial, herbaceous. Stems erect, sturdy, quadrangular, leafy, 60-100 cm, above and below with a dense indumentum of glandular and eglandular hairs. Leaves simple, 7-15 x 5-8 cm, regularly triangular-ovate; clearly hastate-sagittate at base, regularly serrate or crenate, pilose below with numerous sessile oil globules; petiole up to 10 cm on lower cauline leaves, less above. Inflorescence simple or with few branches, elongated; verticillasters 2-6-flowered, clearly distant. Bracts up to 10 x 5 mm; bracteoles present. Pedicels c. 3 mm long in flower and fruit, erect-spreading. Calyx tubular-campanulate, c. 10-12 mm long, with a dense indumentum of long and short glandular hairs and numerous sessile glands; upper lip almost unidentate. Corolla pale yellow with prominent brownish markings especially on lower lip; tube curved, ± included in or somewhat exserted from calyx, villous within, squamulate, invaginated; upper lip clearly falcate; lower lip somewhat reflexed. Nutlets ovoid, c. 3.5 x 2 mm.
Fl. Per.: June-October.
Type: Cultivated material of Nepalese provenance.
Distribution: E. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, N. India, Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan.
A Himalayan species easily recognized by its large regularly triangular leaves with sagittate-hastate bases and yellowish corollas. It grows near watercourses, in thickets and field edges. Clearly distinct from Salvia glutinosa L. (N Iran west to C. Europe), but certainly related to it.