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Pakistan | Family List | Alliaceae | Allium

Allium oreophilum C.A. Mey. in Verz. Pfl. Cauc. 37. 1831. Vvedensky in Kom., Fl. URSS.4:255.1935; Wendelbo in Rech.f.,Fl.Iran.76:67.1971.

Bulbs ovoid to globose, 1-1.5 cm broad, scaly; scales white, membranous. Leaves 2, linear, longer than the scape, 2-3 mm broad. Scape c. 15 cm long, 1/3 to 2/3 covered with leaf sheaths. Spathe bivalved, c. 1 cm long, shortly acuminate. Perigonium campanulate. Tepals rose purple with dark veins, 8-11 mm long, elliptic to ovate, acute. Stamens included, about half the length of the tepals; filaments connate at the base, entire, outer narrowly triangular, inner broadly triangular. Style c. 1 mm long; stigma trilobed.

Type: Described from Caucasia.

Distribution: Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan.


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