Juncus sphenostemon Buchen.
A small, loosely tufted perennial, (5)7-15(2 5)cm tall, with short rootstock, covered with brownish sheaths; stem thin filiform, with usually 1, filiform leaf, usually shorter than the stem. Flowering head terminal, simple, capitate, 3-5(-7)- flowered, pale or whitish; lowest bract slightly to much exceeding the inflorescence, upto 4 cm long. Flowers c. 5 mm long, almost sessile; perianth segments almost equal, lanceolate-oblong, subacute, membranous. Stamens exserted, with c. 2 mm long, thin anthers. Capsules broadly ovoid or ellipsoid, c. 3 mm long with a beak c. half as long, brown, many-seeded; seeds hardly tailed at the ends.
Type: Wallich 3480a (erronee ‘Bengalia inferior’).
Distribution: Pakistan, Kashmir, N.W. Himalayas and Yunnan.
Differs from Juncus leucanthus Don by its smaller size, whitish perianth segments, capsules not exserted and the lowest bract often much exceeding the flowering head. Juncus leucanthus seems to be confined from Sikkim Himalayas to Kumaon. Its elongated lowest bract and much longer, linear anthers easily distinguish it from Juncus membranaceus Don. It may also be confused with Juncus leucomelas Don but the presence of the cauline leaves and hardly tailed seeds will distinguish it.