4. Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt., Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 197. 1818; Stewart, 1.c. 217; Täckh., St. F1. Egypt (revised ed.) 114. plate 26 fig. A. 1974. (Fig.9, A-G).
Obione canescens (James) Moq., Chenop. Enum. 75. 1840; DC., Prodr. 13 (2): 112. 1849.
Shrub, seemingly dioecious, erect, woody, up to c. 60 cm high. Leaves alternate, 2-5 x 0.4-1 cm long, sessile, oblong or linear-oblong, obtuse, entire, narrowed at base, lepidote-farinose, greyish hoary, upper smaller; flowers in a terminal spicate raceme or males in glomerules above. Fruiting bracteoles dentate to subentire, shortly pedicelate, coriaceous, muricate and nerved, c. 5-10 (-12) mm in diameter.
Type: N.America, from Missouri.
Distribution: Native of N. America; introduced elsewhere.
Reported as introduced, at Mastung, Quetta etc. to test it as a new fodder plant, (Stewart, 1.c.). Sometimes a few male flowers (functional or not) also develop at the base of female flowers.