5. Atriplex pamirica Iljin in Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sc. URSS. ser. 1 (2): 124. 1936; Kom., 1.c. 98, p1. IV. fig. 9; Stewart, 1.c. 218; Hedge, l.c. 78.
A.rosea auct. non L. (1753); O.Fedtsch. in Acta Horti Petrop. 21 (3): 409.1903.
Annual, up to 25 (-35) cm, high with whitish stems, simple or long-branched from below; branches covered with scarious hairs intermixed with some brown and blackish ones above especially in inflorescences. Leaves alternate, petiolate, ovate, obtuse, entire or sparingly and obsoletely toothed, mostly rounded-attenuate towards the petiole, dull paler beneath with rather dense mealiness. Inflorescence spiciform, l-leafy, except at the summit. Staminate flowers 5-merous; pistillate bracteolate; bracteoles ovate-rhombic or ovate-hastate, connate in lower half, free above, prominently nerved in the free part, entire or sparingly toothed, covered with mostly tubercle-like colourless scarious hairs. Seed flat, 1-2 mm in diameter, light or dark-brown.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Type: Described from the vicinity of Lake Kara-kul in the Pamir (LE).
The descriptions given by Iljin (l.c.) and Hedge (l.c.) indicate that A. pamirica Iljin is a dwarf alpine plant up to 15 cm high. But the plants with characteristic brownish to blackish hairs in inflorescence indicate that it is a much taller plant up to 35 cm high. Most of the specimens cited above are the tall plants.
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