10. Atriplex schugnanica Iljin in Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sc. URSS. ser. 1 (2): 123. 1939; Kom., 1.c. 97; Stewart, 1.c.219, Hedge, l.c.78. (Fig. 12, A-F).
Annual, 15-50 cm high, ascending to erect, branched from the base with very long branches equalling the stem, whitish, glabrous or only in the inflorescence farinose. Leaves alternate, petiolate, ovate or oval or mostly ovate-hastate to triangular-hastate, with spreading or scarcely upturned basal lobes, entire or rarely sparingly toothed, broadly cuneate or rounded towards the petiole, obtuse and often obsoletely or sparingly leafy; flowers in remote glomerules, always forming an interrupted spiciform inflorescence; staminate 5-merous; pistillate bracteolate; bracteoles rhombic or oblong-ovate, entire or toothed, united in lower part, farinose, obscurely nerved, short-stipitate. Seeds c. 1.5 mm in diameter.
Fl. Per.: July-October.
Type: Tadjikistan, Pamir: “Roschan, Usoj, in ripa flum. Bartanga, in decliviis lapidosis, 12.8.1897”, S. I. Korshinsky 4692 (LE).
Sandy and stony places; Distribution: C. Asia, Kashmir and Pakistan.
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