20. Polygonum molliaeforme Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov., Ser. 1. 7: 84. 1846; Fl. Or. 4: 1043. 1879; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 27. 1886; Steward in Contr. Gray Herb. Harvard Univ. 23. 1930; Kom., Fl. URSS 5: 639. 1936; Rech. f. & Schiman-Czeika in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 56: 76. 1968; R.R.Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 207. 1972; Bhopal & Chaudhri in Pak. Syst. 1(2): 84. 1977. (Fig.9, A).
Polygonum acaule Boiss., Fl. Or. 4: 1043. 1879 non Hook. f. 1890.
A very tender, small and slender glabrous to slightly papillose annual, stem short, up to 5 cm high, dichotomously branched, branches filiform, terete, reddish, internodes short. Leaves linear to setaceous, ± spreading, 5-8 (-12) x c. 0.5-1 mm, with dilated base, margins revolute, apiculate, nerves 3-5, almost distinct. Ochreae hyaline, white, brownish, lanceolate with a ventricose base, 1-2 nerved or nerves not visible, 2-4 mm long, split up to the middle into several lanceolate segments. Flowers minute solitary or in axillary clusters of 2-3, subsessile, concealed by the ochreae. Perianth hyaline, membranous, resembling with the ochreae in texture, cleft almost up to the base, lobes unequal, oblong, 0.75-1 (-1.25) mm long, tube campanulate. Stamens 5, dilated at the base, filaments very short. Ovary triangular (triquetrous), styles 2, short, stigma capitate. Nuts c. 2 mm long, oval, flattened, smooth, shining, ± blackish, beaked.
Fl. Per.: June-August.
Type: Herb. in glaerosis montis Kuh-Daena Persiae australis, Kotschy 778 (G-BOIS) Iso (K!).
A small plant of very high altitudes, usually grows between 4000-5000 m among the stones and rock crevices; Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China and Pamir-Alai.