62. Carex parva Nees, Contr. Bot. India. 120. 1834; Boott, Ill. Gen. Carex 1: 148. 1858; C.B.Clarke, l.c. 712. 1894; Ovcz., Fl. Tadjik. SSR 2: tab. 26, figs. 6-9. 1963; Kukkonen in Rech.f., l.c. 290.
Loosely tufted perennial, c. 20 cm. Rhizome horizontal, covered with soon disintegrating scales. Stem terete or obtusely angular, deeply grooved, smooth. Leaves c. 1/2 of stem length; sheaths 15-35 mm, silver-grey, glossy, margin of scarious side straight; ligule c. 0.2 mm, arch almost straight; blades few, c. 1 mm diam., succulent, smooth, adaxial side merely groove. Inflorescence a single, inconspicuous, androgynous spike. Bract erect, caducous, amplexicaul, canaliculate, equalling spike length. Male glumes c. 7.4 x 1 mm, amplexicaul, carinate, acute, margin scarious at apex, light brown. Female glumes c. 7 x 1.6 mm, caducous, lanceolate, obtuse, margins widely scarious, light brown. Utricles 8.2-8.5 x 1-1.4 mm, fusiform, almost terete, soon reflexed, yellowish to dark brown, with many conspicuous, dark nerves, beak c. 3 mm, cylindrical, smooth, dark brown, ostiole oblique, with wide scarious margin; rachilla within utricle, extending to beak, but not protruding. Stigmas 3. Nut 3.4 x 1.2 mm, narrowly ellipsoid, yellow brown, finely reticulate.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Type: "Mourn, E. Ind.", Royle 138 (K!).
Boggy mountain meadows at 3000-5000 m; Distribution: Central Asia, from Zailiiskij Alatau Mts. to Hindukush and Pamir, eastwards to Nepal and China.