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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 206 | Cyperaceae | Cyperus

26. Cyperus pachyrhizus Nees ex Boeck., Linnaea. 35: 545. 1868; C.B.Clarke in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind.6: 606. 1893.

C. conglomeratus Rottb. var. effusus (Rottb.) Kük. f. pachyrhizus (Nees) Kük., in Engler, Pflanzenr. IV.20, 120: 275. 1936; R.R.Stewart, l.c. 87. 1972; C. conglomeratus Rottb. subsp. pachyrhizus (Nees) T. Koyama in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 93: 344. 1980; Fosberg & Renvoize, Fl. Aldabra: Fig. 49. 2. 1980 (as C. conglomeratus).

Tufted perennial, 35-70 cm. Rhizome short, horizontal, with tillers; roots tomentose, brown. Stem 2-3 mm diam., terete or obtusely trigonous, smooth or slightly papillose. Leaves from shorter to slightly longer than stem; sheaths up to 10 cm, yellowish to reddish brown, hard, glossy, margin of scarious side deeply concave; ligule 0; blades up to 50 cm, to 5 mm wide, channelled or folded, not keeled, roughly papillose, yellow green, margins scabrous, apex long attenuate, often curled. Inflorescence a globular group of c. 30 or more subsessile spikes, 25-45 mm wide; bracts up to 20 cm, 2-3 leaf-like, first upright, finally reflexed; spikes 12-24 x c. 4 mm, with 20–40 closely imbricating glumes; glumes 4.5-6 mm, cymbiform, widely triangular, greyish brown, mucronate, with 4-6 thin nerves on both sides, margin scarious, brown; rachis 0.8-1 mm wide, flat, internodes c. 0.5 mm. Stamens 3, stigmas 3. Nut c. 2 x 1 mm, plano-convex, dark brown, finely papillose to nearly smooth.

Fl. Per.: January.

Holotype: ”Penins. Ind. Orient. (Ex herb. Wight, sub no. 2381 et no. 1225b)” (B!) two isotypes, Wight n. 2381 (K).

Coastal sands; Distribution: From Pakistan along western coast of India to Kerala and Lakkadives, Sri Lanka, Maledives, Seychelles, Aldabra.


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