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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Astragalus

Astragalus densiflorus Kar. & Kir. in Bull.Soc.Nat.Moscou. 15:329. 1842. Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:125.1876; Borissova in Komarov, Fl. U.R.S.S. 12:59.1946; Ali in Biologia 7:32.1961.

Perennial, c. 7-20 cm tall, many stems from the base, appressed pubescent. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c. 2.5-7 cm long; leaflets c. 9-13, c. 3-8 mm long, c. 1-3 mm broad, oblong or ovate-oblong, entire, subobtuse, white pubescent on both sides or glabrous above; stipules c. 3-5 mm long, the lower connate, the upper nearly free. Inflorescence an axillary pedunculate spike, peduncle c. 2.5-10 cm long, pubescent, hairs black and white. Bract c. 3-4 mm long, black-pubescent. Calyx c. 4-5 mm long, black-pubescent, teeth c. 1.5-2 mm long. Vexillum c. 7 mm long. Wing c. 6 mm long. Keel c. 4 mm long. Fruit circular, rugose, pubescent, c. 3 mm in diameter, unilocular, 1-2-seeded.

Fl.Per.: June-August.

Holotype: Near the river Lepsa and Sarchan, Alatau, 1841, Karelin & Kirilow (LE-not seen); Syntype: Near the rivers Lepsa and Sarchan, Alatau, 1841, Karelin & Kirilow 1378 (K).

Distribution: Kashmir; India, N.Punjab; W.Tibet; Russia, (Dzungaro-Tarbagatai, Tien Shan, E. Turkistan).


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