Urostigma lambartiana Miq.
A large, up to 15 (-20) m tall, deciduous tree with spreading crown. Trunk 1.5-2.5 m in circumference, branches spreading with few to numerous aerial roots, bark grey, young twigs brown, glabrous. Leaves with 2.5-6.5 cm long, articulate petiole; lamina elliptic or ovate-elliptic to ovate-oblong, 645 (18) cm long, 3-8 (-9) cm broad, 3-5-costate at the obtuse-truncate base, margins entire to ± wavy, apex with c. 10-12 mm long acumen; lateral nerves (5-) 7-12 pairs, not prominently bulging, intercostals zigzag; stipules broadly ovate-lanceolate, 10-15 mm long, acute, pubescent. Hypanthodie sessile or on up to 5 mm long peduncles, in ancillary pairs or on twigs below the leaves, creamy-whitish, globose, 8-12 mm in diameter, subtended by 3, broadly ovate-round, glabrous or puberulous basal bracts, apical orifice cloud by 3, minute brads, internal bristles copious, chaffy-vesicular, white. Male flower: sessile ostiolar in 2-3 whorls; sepals 2-3, free or slightly united, acute, stamen solitary, included, with oblong anther. Gall & female flowers: sessile sepals 34, free, spathulate to linear-lanceolate; ovary simile or stipitate, reddish-brown, style subterminal. Figs globose, 12-15 mm in diameter, plait to purple, ultimately black.
Fl. & Fr. Per.: October-March.
Type: Described from a plant grown at Kew Gardens (BM).
Distribution: Pakistan, India, Burma, S.E. Ask to N. Maratha.
It is often planted as a shade tree in the Punjab and N.W.F. Province.