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Pakistan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Habenaria

5. Habenaria intermedia D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 24. 1825. Hook.f., l.c. 138; Collett, Fl. Siml., 520. f.164.1902; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 70.


Plants 30-50 cm tall, with oblong, sessile tuberoids. Stem evenly leafy. Leaves 3-5, ovate-oblong, acuminate, up to 8 x 4 cm, sheathing. Inflorescence with 1-4(-6) large flowers. Bracts foliaceous, the lower exceeding, the upper ± equal-ling ovary in length. Flowers large, green and white. Sepals green, the dorsal ovate-lanceolate, recurved, 20-24 x 9-10 mm, lateral-sepals falcately lanceolate, spreading, 23-28 x 6-7 mm. Petals white, crescent-shaped, recurved and adherent to dorsal sepal, minutely ciliolate on margins. Labellum pale or yellowish-green, 3-lobed from an undivided, white, up to 10 mm long base, mid-lobe linear-acumi¬nate, straight or slightly turned upwards, 20-30 x 2.5 mm; side lobes 25-30 mm long, somewhat diverging with c. 10, partly divided, fine, up to 20 mm long fringes on the outer margin. Spur green, 6 cm long, ± flexuous, somewhat widened towards apex and base. Column c. 7 mm high; anther canals filiform, directed upward, 5-6 mm long; stigmatic processes green, slender, incurved, 10-15 mm long. Ovary 3-4 cm long, slightly twisted.

Fl. Per.: July-August.

Type: “Hab. in regione alpina Gosaingsthan in jugo Himalayae” Wallich s.n.

Distribution: Eastwards to Nepal, at altitudes between 1500-2500 m.


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