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Pakistan | Family List | Moraceae | Morus

2. Morus serrata Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 2.3: 596. 1832. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 492. 1888 (under Urticaceae); Bomber, Pl. Punj. 15.1916; Parker, l.c. 472. 1956; Browicz in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 153: 4.1982.

Vern.: Karum, Kimmu, Kartut.


  • Morus alba var. serrata (Roxb.) Bureau

    A large deciduous, dioecious tree, up to 20 m tall. Stem upto 2-3 m in circumference, with reddish or grey-brown, scaly bark on old trunk and smooth on younger branches, tender shoots pubescent. Leaves with a pubescent, 2-5 can long petiole; lamina ovate to broadly ovate, 5-15 cm long, (2.5-) 3-10 an broad 3(-5)-nerved from ± cordate base, usually 3-lobed, margins coarsely toothed biserrate, tip or apices of lobes acuminate-caudate, veins hairy beneath; stipules linear-lanceolate, 1.5-2.5 cm long, membranous. Male catkins, 2.5-5 (-6) cm long villous. Male flowers: sepals elliptic-oblong, c. 1.5 mm long, obtuse, hairy stamens with basally flattened filaments. Female catkins cylindric, much shorted than male, 0.5-1.5 cm long, excluding 3.6 mm long, vinous peduncle. Female flowers: sepals (2-) 3 (-4), broadly oblong, equal, c. 2 mm long, c. 1.5 mm broad, ciliate; styles connate at the base, c. 2 mm long, densely lanate hairy, patent. Sorosis fleshy, purple or reddish-purple, 8-25 mm long, sweet, edible.

    Fl. Per.: March-May.

    Type: Forest near Doan on way to Shreenagar, Capt. Hardwicke.

    Distribution: Confined to Indo-Pakistan subcontinent (Kashmir, E. Punjab, Himachal Pradesh) from 1200 to 2700 m.

    The tree is frequently cultivated for shade near temples or houses. It is lopped for fodder. The leaves are used for feeding silkworms. The hard tough timber is used for furniture and carving, toys, troughs and agricultural implements. Ripe fruits are edible.


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