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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Oxytropis

Oxytropis mollis Royle ex Benth. in Royle Ill.Bot.Him.Mount. 198. 1835. Ali in Phyton 8:56.1959.

  • Oxytropis thomsonii Benth. ex Bunge

    Perennial herb; root-stock woody. Aerial stem much reduced, covered with persistent leaf bases and stipules. Leaves c. 3-22 cm long; stipules leaf opposed, pilose. Petiole c. 2-9 cm long; leaflets 21-43, opposite, lower sometimes alternate; sessile, c. 7-17 mm long, c. 2-5 mm broad, obovate, elliptical, lanceolate, oblong, orbicular to oblong-lanceolate, entire, tip acute, obtuse to subtruncate, pilose on both sides. Flowers in pedunculate condensed racemes; peduncle c. 7-27 cm; bracts c. 4-6 mm long. Calyx c. 7-10 mm long, longest teeth c. 2.5-4 mm. Vexillum c. 9-16 (-18) mm long; wing c. 8-15 mm long; keel c. 7-14 cm long, mucro c. 1-3 mm. Fruit stipe c. 3 mm; fruit c. 13 mm long (excluding the c. 3 mm long mucro), pilose.

    Fl.Per.: May-September.

    Holotype: Kunawar, 1835, Royle (K).

    Distribution: Pakistan (N.W.F. Province); Kashmir; India, N.Punjab; above 7000-9000 ft.


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