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Pakistan | Family List | Rosaceae | Potentilla

1. Potentilla rigida Wall. ex Lehm. in Nov. Strip. Pug. 3: 3. 1831. Panigrahi & Dixit in Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind. 27(1-4): 186. 1985.

Vern.: Penma, Viema

Muqarrab Shah

Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan

  • Potentilla fruticosa var. rigida (Wall. ex Lehm.) Th. Wolf

    Tall erect shrubs, up to 2 metres. Stem woody and much branched, glabrescent. Leaves ternate, petioles 1-3 cm. long, densely sericeous. Stipules ochreate, ferrugineus, united near the base, auricles oblong-ovate. Leaflets broadly elliptic-obovate, entire, acute, upper surface densely sericeous, lower surface glabrous. Flowers solitary, 2.5-3.0 cm. diam., pedicels small, densely sericeous, outer sepals elliptic, acute, entire or 2-fid, ± leafy, inner sepals ovate, acute, entire. Petals suborbicular, 1.1-1.3 cm. long and broad, yellow. Stamens about 20, anthers monothecous. Carpels numerous, long-hairy, styles lateral, c. 2 mm. Long, thickened above, clavate. Achenes completely concealed in long, thin sericeous hairs.

    Fl. Per.: June-September

    Type: Described from Kamaon, Wall. Catalogue 1009 (K!).

    Distribution: Kashmir and India.

    Potentilla rigida Wall ex Lehm. has been reported from Kashmir (Panigrahi & Dixit, l. c. 1985) but I have not seen any specimens of it from that area. The above description is from a north Indian specimen.

    This species is closely related to Sino-Himalayan Potentilla arbuscula D.Don in h aving glabrous lower surfaces of the leaflets and larger flowers. The shape of the outer sepals is also identical in both the species. Potentilla arbuscula, however, differs in h aving pentafoliolate leaves (not ternate as in Potentilla rigida).

    A rare species, found between 3 – 3,500 m, on open sunny slopes.


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