Thermopsis inflata Camb. in Jacq., Voy.Bot. 4:34.t.39. 1843. Baker in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind.2:63.1876.
Root woody, creeping rhizome, erect stem c. 75 cm or less, sparsely pilose to glabrous, stipules like leaflet in shape and texture, leaf mostly sessile; leaflets c. 1.0-2.7 cm long, c. 0.5-1.6 cm broad, ovate to obovate, entire, obtuse, mucronate, pilose to glabrescent on both sides. Inflorescence racemose, 2-3 flowers at each node. Bracts c. 12-14 mm long, united at base, pilose, c. 6-7 mm long, sparsely pilose. Calyx c. 16-17 mm long, pilose, upper teeth c. 3 mm long, lower teeth c. 7 mm long. Vexillum c. 22-23 mm long. Fruit stipe c. 10-12 mm long, fruit c. 4.2-5.0 cm long, inflated, pilose to glabrous, 6-10-seeded.
Fl.Per.: June
Type: Frequens in lapidosis montium provinciae Kanaor supra altitudinem 4000 m, Jacquemont, (P-not seen); Jacquemont 1594 (K).
Distribution: Kashmir; India, N.Punjab; Tibet.
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