Bupleurum lanceolatum Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 4:132. 1830. C.B. Clarke in Hook f., l.c. 674; Wolff, l.c. 149; E. Nasir, l.c. 422; Hiroe, l.c. 79.
Perennial, 30-150 cm tall. Stem branched above. Lower cauline leaves long petioled, up to 15 cm long; lamina lanceolate to broadly oval, 7-9 veined, apices acute; upper leaves gradually shorter, shortly petioled to subsessile, 5-7 veined. Peduncles 2-5 cm long. Involucral bracts lacking or sometimes 1, minute. Rays 5-8, slender. Involucel of 5 linear, 3-veined bractlets, shorter than the flower¬ing umbellet. Pedicels longer than the flowers. Stylopodium disc-shaped; styles short, divaricate. Fruit oblong to ovoid, 3-4 mm long; furrows 3-vittate; com¬missure 4-vittate. Inner seed face slightly concave.
Type: Nepal, Wallich 551 (K).
Distribution: Himalayas in India and W. Pakistan.
A common species in the Himalayas from 2000-3000 M.
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