28. Potentilla exigua Sojak in Folia Geobot. et Phytotax. Bohem. 1: 341. 1968.
Muqarrab Shah
Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan
Perennial, prostrate or ascending herbs. Rootstock thick, Floral stem short, 6-12 cm. long, tomentose. Leaves 2-3 paired, petioles 1-3 cm. long, very minutely adpressed pubescent. Leaflets obovate or oblong, divided almost to the midrib, segments 3-4 mm long, revolute, subobtuse, densely adpressed pilose & green above, dull white tomentose below. Flowers small 6-8 mm diam. Calyces densely tomentose, covered with dense pale yellow subsessile glands, outer sepals oblong obtuse, inner sepals ovate acute. Petals small 3-3.5 mm long, obovate, emarginate, yellow. Stamens 16-22. Carpels numerous, styles subterminal 0.6-0.8., uniformely thickened.
Type: Described from Nepal, Thinigaon, Muklinath Himal. 14,500 ft. Stainton, Sykes & William 1356 (BM), isotype at (E).
B-8 Kashmir, Stock 3352 m., irrigated and cultivated land, Janet Maxwell 43 (E).
Distribution: Kashmir and Nepal.
A high alpine dwarf perennial herb generally found between 3,300 and 5,000 m, not common, collected in cultivated fields.
Potentilla exigua Sojak is closely related to Potentilla multifida L., but is very dwarf, petioles are minutely pubescent and calyces are with pale yellow glands. Moreover, the petals are smaller and styles are shorter than Potentilla multifida.