Operculina aegyptia (Linn.) House
Climbers, the stems herbaceous, mostly hirsute with long erect to suberect yellowish trichomes. Leaves palmately compound, the 5 leaflets elliptic, entire to dentate, acuminate to acute apically and basally, sparsely pubescent to glabrate. Flowers cymose. Sepals oblong, 2 cm long, acute, hirsute with erect yellowish trichomes. Corolla white, 2-3 cm long. Fruit capsular, subglobose, 1-2 cm in diameter, subtended and partially surrounded by the calyx. Seeds brown, glabrous.
Fl. Per.: September to January.
Type: Based on several specimens in the Linnaean herb. (microfiche!).
C-7 Rawalpindi Dist.: Rawalpindi, R.R. Stewart 7721 (RAW), Rawalpindi, Topi Park, R.R. Stewart 15109 (RAW), Jhelum Dist.: Mt. Tilla, R.R. & I.D. Stewart 760 (RAW), F-7 Sind: Nagar Parkar, M.B. Zaman 278 (PPFI-M), Nagar Parker, Qaiser & Ghafoor 3971, 3998 (KUH), G-5 Hyderabad Dist.: Tando Jam, A. Jalis s.n. (RAW).
Distribution: Pantropical.
This species and the next are often confused in herbaria. Since this species has pubescent sepals and Merremia dissecta has glabrous sepals, they are easily distinguished.