Bupleurum canaliculatum Diels, Notizbl. Bot. Cart. Berl. 14: 352. 1939. E. Nasir in Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. l.c. 441; Hiroe, Umb. Asia, 84.
Perennial, up to 75 cm tall, branched. Basal and lower cauline leaves linear, up to 15 cm long, xerophytic, involute forming a groove, veins 5-7, margin thick, base broad; middle and upper leaves gradually shorter; uppermost bract-like. Involucral bracts 1-5, minute or lacking. Rays 3-7, up to 3 cm long, unequal. Involucel of 5 minute, linear bractlets, veins obscure, shorter than the flowering umbellet. Fruit oblong, ridges prominent; stylopodium depressed; furrows 3-5-vittate; commissue 6-vittate.
Type: Rattu, near Astore, Troll 7669 (Probably destroyed). Neotype: Above Rattu, 9000 ft., R.R. & I.D. Stewart 18837 (RAW); Isoneotypes (US, NY, GH).
Distribution: W. Pakistan.
This species grows in dry, arid regions in desert gravel among Artemisia.
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