Bupleurum hoffmeisteri K1. in K1. & Garcke, Bot. Egeb. Reise. Prinz. Wald. 147. 1862.
Bupleurum falcatum ssp. eufalcatum* var. hoffmeisteri (K1.) C.B. Clarke ex WolffBupleurum falcatum var. hoffmeisteri (K1.) C.B. Clarke
Perennial, erect, branched. Leaves lanceolate, veins 7-9, apex abruptly acute, mucronate; upper leaves slightly amplexicaul; lower leaves with attenuate bases. Involucral bracts lacking, rarely 1-2. Rays 6-12, 2-3 cm long. Involucel of 5-6 linear to lanceolate bractlets, as long or shorter than the flowers. Fruit elliptic to oblong, 4 mm long; ridges prominent; furrows 3-vittate; commissure 4-vittate.
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