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Pakistan | Family List | Plumbaginaceae | Limonium

Limonium stocksii (Boiss.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2:396. 1891.

  • Statice stocksii Boiss.

    Perennial shrub. Stem woody, branched, current year branches leafy, older branches without leaves. Leaf oblong-spathulate, attenuating into a very short petiole, obtuse, fleshy, glabrous. Scapes subangular, dividing into a second panicle. 2-3-flowered spikelets arranged in small fascicles. Bracts herbaceous, reddish; outer and middle bracts ovate, subequal, inner bract oblong, 3 times as long as the outer bract. Calyx nearly without limb, sub-truncate, densely pilose on the ribs. Petals longer than the calyx, entire or emarginate, rose purple. Anthers long exserted.

    Fl. Per: June-September.

    Type: Sind, Stocks in Hb. Hooker (K).

    Distribution: Found in the dry zones of W. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.


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