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Pakistan | Family List | Illecebraceae | Gymnocarpos

Gymnocarpos decander Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 65. 1775. Boiss. Fl. Orient. 1:747. 1867; Burkill, Fl. Pl. Baluch. 84. 1909; Pax & Hoffman in Engler & Prantl, P flanzefam. 16c:299. 1931; Tackholm & Drar, Stud. Fl. Egypt, 404. 1956 (under Caryophyllaceae); Chaudhri, M.N., A Revision of the Parony¬chiinae, 53. 1968.

Vern. Mazonk.

Gymnocarpos decander

Credit: Asad

  • Gymnocarpos fruticosum (Vahl) Pers.
  • Gymnocarpos salsaloides Webb ex Christ
  • Trianthema fruticosa Vahl

    An erect, suffrutescent, much branched, 30-50 cm tall undershrub. Stem and branches rough, ash grey, entangled, knotted at the nodes. Leaves 8-16 mm long, c. 2 mm wide, obtuse, entire, mucronate, glabrous; stipules small, mem¬branous, ovate-triangular with ciliate margins. Inflorescence short peduncled head-like biparous cyme of 5 -15 flowers; peduncle c. 5 mm long, densely villous. Flowers sessile, pentamerous, 5-7 mm long and c. 4-5 mm across, yellowish green, receptacle vase-shaped, 2.5-3 mm long; bracts 1.5-2 mm long, never scarious. Sepals 2-3 mm long, narrow oblong, margins whitish membranous, glabrous. Petals subulate-filiform, 1-1.5 mm long, acute, brownish white. Stamens subulate¬filiform, slightly longer than the petals, c. 2 mm long, anthers oblong, dorsifixed. Ovary ovoid, slightly fused at the base with receptacle, papillose, unilocular, 1-ovul¬ed, ovule pendulous, placentation basal; style long. Fruit 1-seeded membranous indehiscent utricle enclosed by persistent sepals. Seed somewhat oblong, com¬pressed, dark brown; radicle superior.

    Fl. Per. February-April.

    Type: Egypt: In desertis Kahirinis orient. Forsskal (holo. C, not seen; Iso. BM).

    Distribution: West Pakistan (Baluchistan); Afghanistan; Iran; Arabia; Syria; Palestine; Egypt; Libya; Tunisia; Algeria; Morocco and Canary Islands.

    Young branches are eaten by camel and goats.


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