Pachypterygium heterotrichum Bunge
Annual, 5-15 (-25) cm tall, erect, branched, glabrous, glaucous; branches filiform, rigid. Basal leaves ovate-oblong, sessile, withering; lower leaves oblong-ovate, 20-35 mm long, 5-20 mm broad, sessile, auricled at base, semiamplexicaul, entire or subentire, with rounded or obtuse apex; upper leaves 5-20 mm long, 2-10 mm broad, ovate-cordate, semiamplexicaul, entire with rounded or obtuse apex;all leaves glabrous, glaucous, subfleshy. Racemes 10-20 (-25)-flowered, lax, ebracteate, up to 10 cm long in fruit. Flowers small c.2 mm across, yellowish or dull whitish-lilac; pedicel up to 4 mm long in fruit, filiform, spreading or somewhat deflexed. Sepals c. 1 mm long. Petals c. 2 mm long, oblong-obovate, apex rounded. Stamens c. 0.7:1 mm long; anthers c. 0.25 mm. Siliculae oblong-pyriform or lamp-shaped (ovate with short, narrow, oblong upper half), 4-5 mm long, c. 2 mm broad, glabrous or hairy, apex truncate and subemarginate; valves usually covered with short glandular hairs, especially on the locules; wing very narrow, uniformly wide, ± thickened; seed c. 2 mm long, 1 mm broad, ellipsoid, reddish-brown.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Described from Serayshan.
Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turcomania.
Similar to the previous species but flowers and fruits much smaller. Glabrous and hairy siliculae may be found in the same vicinity and this character is of no taxonomic value.