Perennial, 10-15 cm tall, sparsely hairy below with short, branched hairs; rootstock 2-3 mm thick, branched above; scapes simple, aphyllous (rarely 1 or 2 leaved). Radical leaves oblanceolate, 1.5-5 cm long, 2-6 mm broad, entire or slightly 1-3 (-5) toothed towards the apex, sparsely hairy; cauline leaves if present very short, linear, entire. Racemes 5-10-flowered, lax, up to 8 cm long in fruit. Flowers c. 5 mm across, white; pedicels 5(-7) mm long in fruit, ascending or sub-erect. Sepals 3-3.5 mm long. Petals 5-7 mm long, c. 1.5 mm broad, linear, cuneate. Stamens c. 3:3.5 mm long. Siliquae linear, strongly compressed, 2-3(-4) cm long, 1 (-1.5) mm broad, acute, straight, ± erect, glabrous; valve 1-veined; style 0.5-0.7 mm long with minute depressed stigma; seeds 12-16 in each locule, c. 1 mm long, not mucilaginouswhen wet.
Fl. Per. April-July.
Type: N. W. Himalaya, Garhwal, Edgeworth (K).
Distribution: Himalayas, Pakistan and Afghanistan.