Torularia aculeolata var. grandifora Gilli
Annual, 5-20 (-30) cm tall, suberect or ascending, branched usually from below, sparsely hairy with simple rarely forked ciliate, often reflexed hairs, subglabrous or glabrous above; branches spreading; stem often crooked, distantly few leaved. Lower leaves sometimes rosulate, deeply dissected or lyrate, 3-5-jugate, 15-50 mm long, 5-20 mm broad, stalked; lateral lobes often similar to the terminal lobe, obovate or oblong, ± 3-10 lobulate with rounded or obtuse apex; upper leaves few, smaller but ± similar; all leaves subfleshy, sparsely hairy to glabrous. Racemes 10-20-flowered, lax, up to 10 cm long in fruit. Flowers 8-15 mm across, pale lilac, pink or white, often showy; pedicels (2-) 5-10 (-15) mm long, often thickened, spreading or somewhat recurved downwards. Sepals 5-8 mm long. Petals (8-) 10-15 mm long, 3-6 mm broad. Stamens 6-8: 8-10 mm long; anthers 2-2.5 mm long, linear. Siliquae linear, subcylindrical, 30-60 mm long, c. 1.5 mm broad, often arcuate or somewhat recurved, spreading, glabrous or rarely very sparsely hairy with short, simple hairs; valves ± 3-veined; style 1-1.5 (-2.5) mm long with depressed, capitate, subretuse stigma; septum not veined; seeds 20-30 in each locule, c. 1 mm long, oblong, brown.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Afghanistan, Kabul, A. Gilli 1010 (W, KUH).
Distribution: Afghanistan and Pakistan.
A species closely related to Sisymbrium in its simple hairs, lyrate leaves and to some extent in siliquae, but flowers white or pinkish although large (largest for the genus Torularia and quite an exception). However, its very close similarity with the following species, especially in flower colour, fruit and indumentum, suggests that it is better placed here than under Sisymbrium. They appear to be link species between Sisymbrium and Torularia especially in their fruits, which are quite different from those in the rest of the species of Torularia; furthermore, the lateral nectar glands also seem to be subangular.