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Pakistan | Family List | Papaveraceae | Meconopsis

Meconopsis neglecta G. Taylor, An account of the genus Meconopsis. 16. 1932. Cullen in Rech. f., l.c 23.

Perennial spiny herb, c. 15-20 cm tall, with a conical tuberous root-stock, 10-15 cm long, 10-15 mm broad, passing upwards into short stem which is covered with persistent leaf bases. Leaves all radical, up to c. 10 cm long, 15 mm broad (including petiole up to 5 cm long), deeply pinnatifid, densely covered all over with ± pungent spines; lobes oblong, rounded at the apex. Scapes up to 12 with one flower each, up to 15 cm long, sparsely spiny. Petals 4, broadly obovate or suborbicular, up to 20 mm long, about as broad. Stamens numerous; filaments filiform; anthers yellow. Ovary ellipsoid, more or less densely covered with pungent spines; style distinct but very short, up to 1.2 mm long with capitate stigma. Capsule not known or described.

Type: West Pakistan; Chitral, Kafristan S.M. Toppin 761 (K).

Distribution: Known from the type gathering only.

It resembles closely with Meconopsis horridula Hook. f. but the. leaves are deeply pinnatifid. It also resembles Meconopsis aculeata Royle but flowers borne solely on scapes and with very short style; its geographical distribution also seems to be restricted.


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