Corchorus pseudo-olitorius Islam & Zaid in Biologia (Lahore). 6:169-177. 1960. Stewart, R.R., Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kash. 473. 1972.
Annual, 150-180 cm tall, glabrous herb. Leaves 3-5-costate, somewhat obpandurate, mostly abruptly narrowed above middle, 4.5-6.5 cm long, 1.2-2.2 cm broad, glabrous, oblique at the base, serrate, basal serratures prolonged into setose, filiform, deflexed appendages, acute; petiole 1-2 cm long, grooved and hairy above; stipules linear, c. 7-8 mm long. Cymes solitary, (1-) 2-3-flowered, extra-axillary. Flowers pale yellow, c. 8 mm across, shortly pedicellate; bracts absent. Sepals linear-oblong, basally connate, c. 3-4 mm long, reddish green at acute apex. Petals spathulate, slightly longer than sepals, obtuse. Stamens c. 20, filaments 2-3 mm long; anthers subglobose. Carpels 3-4; ovary linear-oblong, 3-4-loculed, glabrous; style longer than the ovary, stigma capitate. Capsules (1-)2-3 together, cylindrical, neither sulcate nor triangular, 3.5-4.5 cm long, c. 4-5 mm across, 3-4-loculed, locules transeversely septate, beak entire, c. 2 mm long. Seeds cuneiform, glabrous.
Type: Near Hala, 25 miles north of Hyderabad (Sind), Babu Haig (K, RAW !).
Distribution: Endemic to Pakistan.
This species seems to have evolved as a result of natural hybridization bet¬ween Corchorus olitorius and Corchorus trilocularis L. It differs from both Corchorus olitorius Linn. and Corchorus trilocularis Linn., in having oblique, obpandurate leaves, abruptly narrowed above middle, cylindrical, 3-5-ribbed rather than sulcate or triangular capsules and ebracteate rather than bracteate flowers.