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Pakistan | Family List | Flacourtiaceae | Gmelina

Gmelina philippensis Cham. in Linnaea. 7:109. 1832. Bor, Man. Ind. For. Bat. 302. 1953; Maheshwari, Fl. Delhi 282. 1963.

  • Gmelina finlaysoniana Wall.
  • Gmelina hystrix Schult. ex Kurz

    A moderate to large sized, scandent, spinose shrub with lenticellate sterns. Leaves rhomboid-elliptic, 5-7.5 cm long, 3-4 cm broad, entire or slightly lobed, glabrous, glaucous, glandular beneath; petiole 2-2.5 cm long. Cymes terminal, paniculately arranged in the axils of foliaceous, petaloid bracts; bracts broadly ovate, 2-2.5 cm long, nearly as broad, mucronate, membranous. Flowers yellow. Corolla-tube curiously inflated upwards, glabrous outside. Drupe obovoid, c. 1.2 cm long.

    Fl. Per.: April-November.

    Type: Described from Philippines.

    Distribution: A native of Philippine islands, introduced and naturalized in India and S.E. Asia.

    Sometimes cultivated in our gardens, as an ornamental for its beautiful, paniculate cymes.


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