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Berberis pseudumbellata subsp. gilgitica Jafri, subsp. nov..

Berberis pseudumbellata subsp. gilgitica

Credit: Fauzia

Racemi 2.5-5 cm longi, 10-15-flori, simplices vel rarius paniculati. Pedicelli tenues, 10-15 mm longi. Baccae 10-12 mm longae, 6-7 mm latae, ellipsoideo-obovatae, haud pruinosae; stylus brevissimus et indistinctus; semina 3, substipitata.

Differs from the type subspecies by its 10-15-flowered, simple, rarely paniculate, subumbellate racemes; pedicels 10-15 mm long, thin; berries dark red, hardly pruinose; seeds 3, substipitate.

Fl.Per.: May-June.

Holotype: Gilgit Dist.: Naltar, hills of sandy loam, c. 10000 ft., fruits blackish-red, erect shrubs c. 2.5 m tall, 16. VII. 1974, A. Ghafoor 815 (KUH).

Distribution: Endemic to Gilgit (Kashmir).


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