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Berberis sp.

Berberis sp.

Credit: Fauzia

Glabrous, subglaucous shrub; stem terete, yellowish to pale brown or grey-brownish; internodes 1-2 cm long; spines 3-5 (-7)-fid., 5-10(-14) mm long. Leaves (1-) 2-4 cm long, 1-1.5 (-1.8) cm broad, suboribicular to obovate oblong, inclu¬ding (2-) 5-13 mm long petioles, somewhat thickish, reticulate, with open viens, (4-) 5-10-spinose-toothed (subserrate) at the margin; teeth 1-2 mm long; apex spine-tipped, rounded to obtuse, rarely acute. Flowers and fruits not seen.

Distribution: Confined to Baluchistan in ouer area.

An interesting discovery that probably extends the limits of the subsection Sibiricae (of section Angulosae) from N. & C. Asia, China, S.E. Tibet, Bhutan to Pakistan (Baluchistan). This species appears very near to Berberis boreali-sinensis Nakai in vegetative characters, especially 3-5(-7)-fid. spines but stem pale yellowish to brownish, spines 3-5(-7)-fid. (not 4-7-fid), leaves somewhat larger with usually distinct petioles, and spinulose-dentate (subserrulate) margins. It is interesting to note that inspite of 3 different gatherings from different localities, when all other Berberis in Baluchistan were fruiting and flowering, this was neither in fruits nor flowers. Unless flowers or fruits are found, it is not possible to decide its fate because in Berberis boreali-sinensis Nakai inflorescences are single flowered.

Another species, Berberis kumaonensis Schneid., of this Section (Sec. Angulosae), with single flowered inflorescences and 3-fid spines, has been doubtfully recorded from Azad Kashmir (Muzaffrabad Dist.; Bangar, Inayat 2113 (K)by R.R. Stewart (l.c. 281). This record is probably not of true Berberis kumaonensis but just a form of Berberis parkeriana Schneid.


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