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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Crotalaria

Crotalaria persica (Burm.f.) Merrill in Philip.J.Sci. 19:354. 1921. Ali in Biologia 12:26.1966.

  • Crotalaria furfuracea Boiss.
  • Cytisus persicus Burm.f.

    Perennial bushy shrub, up to 65 cm tall; branches appressed pubescent, ending in spines. Leaf absent or compound trifoliolate, petiole c. 4 cm long, leaflets petiolulate, lateral c. 13 mm long, 3.5 mm broad; terminal c. 3.2 cm long, 5 mm broad, lanceolate, acute, densely appressed pubescent on both sides. Inflorescence an elongated, many flowered raceme. Pedicel c. 5 mm long, pubescent. Calyx pubescent, c. 4 mm long, teeth c. 2.5 mm long. Vexillum c. 5 mm long, claw c. 1.5 mm, bent at right angles, violet with a few hairs at the beak; wings yellow. Ovary pubescent, style pubescent on the inner side, stigma penicillate; stipe c. 1 mm long. Fruit c. 6-7 mm long, 4-6 mm broad, pubescent, gradually tapering into a bent persistent style, bilocular, each half 2-seeded; stipe c. 1-1.5 mm long.

    Fl.Per.: April-May.

    Type: Persia, Garcin Herb. (G-not seen).

    Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan); Persia; Arabia.


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