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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Astragalus

Astragalus malacophyllus Benth. ex Bunge, Astrag. 1:36. 1868. 2:61. 1969; Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2 :133.1876; Ali in Biologia 7:54.1961.

Stem densely pubescent, c. 30 cm or less long, internodes longer than the stipules. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c. 5-10 cm long, leaflets c. 4-10 mm long, 2-5 mm broad, oblong, entire, obtuse, densely silky; stipules c. 9-13 mm long. In-florescence an axillary peduncled raceme, peduncle c. 8-50 mm long. Bracts exceeding the pedicel. Calyx c. 12-13 mm long, densely silky, lower teeth c. 5 mm or more long. Vexillum c. 18-19 mm long. Wing shorter than the vexillum. Keel shorter than the wing. Fruit c. 12-13 mm long, silky, sessile, bilocular, c. 8-10-seeded.

Fl.Per.: May-August.

Syntypes: In jugo Himalayensi boreali-occidentali, 8-10000 ft., Thomson, Falconer (LE-not seen).

Distribution: Kashmir; Pakistan (N.W.F. Province); India (N. Punjab, Kumaon. Garhwal).

Generally this species has pronounced internodes and a well formed peduncle. In most cases it can easily be differentiated from Astragalus rhizanthus Royle ex Benth., but some intermediate forms are also met with.


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