Astragalus pseudochlorostachys Ali in Bot.Notiser. 118:94. 1965.
Herb, c. 30 cm tall. Root woody. Stem pubescent. Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole c. 1-2 cm long, rachis c. 1.5-3.5 cm long; leaflets 7, c. 1.8-2.4 cm long, c. 6-9 mm broad, elliptical to ovate, acute to obtuse, glabrous above, pilose below; petiolule less than 1 mm long; stipules c. 7-11 mm long, glabrous to subglabrous, margins ciliate. Inflorescence a peduncled raceme, peduncle up to 15 cm long. Bracts c. 7-10 mm long, scantily pubescent above, glabrous below. Pedicel c. 3-5 mm long. Calyx c. 8-10 mm long, pubescent, hairs black. Corolla pale yellow. Vexillum c. 2 cm long, glabrous. Wing c. 17 mm long. Keel c. 15 long. Ovary c. 7 mm long, glabrous; stipe c. 5 mm long. Fruit not seen.
Fl.Per.: July.
Holotype: B-6 Khotan, N. of Mastuj, between Turikho and Mastuj rivers, 11000 ft., 11.7.1958, J.D.A. Stainton 2861 (BM); Isotype (RAW).
Distribution: Pakistan (N.W.F. Province; Kashmir).
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