Astragalus skorniakovii B. Fedtsch. in Acta Horti petropol. 24(2): 227. 1905. Borissova in Komarov, Fl. U.R.S.S. 12:561. 1946; Ali in Phyton 11: 138. 1966.
Perennial. Stem reduced, branches densely pubescent. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c. 6-18 cm long, petiole and rachis sparsely appressed white-pubescent; leaflets 23-47, c. 6-10 mm long, lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, acute, sparsely pubescent on both sides, hairs white; stipules 6-12 mm long, white pubescent, connate but not encircling the stem. Inflorescence a pedunculate raceme, peduncle c. 4-15 cm long, sparsely white and black pubescent. Bracts c. 3-7 mm long, white and black pubescent. Pedical c. 1-3 mm long. Calyx c. 10-15 mm long. white and black pubescent, hairs appressed; upper teeth c. 2.5 mm, lower c. 6 mm long. Corolla violet. Vexillum c. 20-25 mm long. Wing c. 18-22 mm long. Keel c. 14-18 mm long. Fruit sessile, bladdery, inflated, c. 16-30 mm long, c. 10 mm broad, pubescent, hairs white, appressed, bilocular, many seeded.
Syntypes: In Leningrad.
Distribution: Russia, Pamir-Alai, Tien Shan, Mountain Turkmenia; Pakistan (Chitral).
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