Abutilon bidentatum A.Rich., Ten t.Fl.Abyss. 68. 1847. Mast, in Hook. f.,l.c.326; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, l.c.475.
Erect or somewhat spreading shrub. Branches stellate pubescent, mixed with weak simple spreading hairs. Leaves 2.15.5 cm long, 1.5-12 cm broad, broadly ovate, deeply cordate at base, acute to acuminate at apex, serrate, stellate tomentose and velvety on both sides, 7-9 nerved, rarely 3-angular; petiole as long as blade, stellate tomentose mixed with weak, sparse, simple, spreading hairs; stipules 3-4 mm long, filiform. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedicel 2-4 cm long, in fruit up to 1-8 cm, articulate and geniculate near the apex. Calyx 5-lobed, 5-7mm long, densely pubescent on both sides, slightly accrescent, erect, ultimately reflexed; lobes lanceolate. Corolla pale yellow to yellow, c.1.5 cm across; petals 7-9 mm long, 4-5 mm broad, obovate. Staminal column 2-3 mm long, stellate pubescent. Fruit 8-10 mm long, ± 10 mm across; mericarps 13-16, at maturity spreading stellately separating after dehiscent, 5-8 mm long, 3 mm broad, acute to acuminate, awn 1-2 mm long, stellate pubescent towards the margin. Seeds 3, brown 1.5 mm across.
It is a variable species in the size of leaves and mericarps. Two taxa may well be recognized on the basis of structure and length of mericarp.