Juncus bufonius var. rechingeri (Snog.) Jafri, stat. Nov.
Juncus ambiguus* auct.non GussJuncus rechingeri Snog.
A smaller and tender plant, erect to suberect, very thin, pale to brownish with capillary stem and leaves; flowers 4-5 mm long, usually singly placed; seeds conspicuously striate-reticulate.
Fl.Per.: April-August.
Type: Afghanistan: W. Gazni, 17.7.1967, Rechinger 37174 (W).
Distribution: A cosmopolitan species but mainly of temperate zones.
A gregarious species usually of shady, humid or wet places along streams, canals and waterlogged areas from the Punjab plains to the northern hills, but absent from Baluchistan. ‘Toad rush’ seems to have poor fodder value.
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