2. Ailanthus excelsa Roxb., Pl. Corom. 1: 24, t. 23. 1795. DC. Prodr. 2. 89. 1825; Bennett in Hook. f., l.c.; Cooke, l.c.; Talbot, For. Fl. 1: 208. 1911; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Aim. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kash. 440. 1972.
A large polygamous deciduous lofty tree. Bark smooth, ash coloured. Leaves 30-90 cm long, abruptly pinnate, leaflets irregularly glandular-toothed, 8-14 pairs, alternate or subopposite, variable in shape, unequal at base, glabrous, petiolules 2-3 cm long. Inflorescence a large lax panicle; bract minute, covered with soft hairs. Flowers small, many, slightly tinged with yellow. Bisexual flower: calyx 5 lobed. Corolla: petals 5 glabrous, ovate-lanceolate, much larger than the calyx lobes. Stamens 10, inserted below the disc, filaments glabrous; shorter than the petals. Stigma short. Male flower similar to bisexual flower but without rudimentary ovary. Fruit samara, 3-4.5 cm long and c. 1 cm broad, lanceolate, twisted at the top, red coloured, acute, seed one in the centre of samara.
Fl. Per.: February-March.
Type: Described from Circars mountains, Roxb. Pl. Corom. 1: 24, t. 23. 1795.
Distribution: Australia, China, India, it is sometimes cultivated in Pakistan.
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