6. Heliotropium zeylanicum (Burm. f.) Lam., Encycl. Meth. Bot. 3:94. 1791. Kazmi, l.c. 155.
Heliotropium curassavicum var. zeylanicum Burm. f.Heliotropium linifolium Lehm.
An erect annual 30-40 cm tall, branched or unbranched from the base, appressed hairy; branches ascending. Lower leaves. mm long. Lamina 25-50 x 3-5 mm, linear, sparse hairy on both surfaces. Hairs less than 1 mm long, usually with a bulbous base; lower surface lighter green. Inflorescence 2.5-4 cm long, terminal and axillary, up to 12 cm in fruit, simple or branched, bearing uniseriate, sessile to subsessile flowers. Bracts 2-3 mm long linear, hairy. Calyx 1.5-2.5 mm long, 5-partite into. lanceolate lobes, appressed hairy on the outer surface. Corolla white, t 3.5 mm long, hairy to the, throat sparsely so, tube somewhat constricted at the throat; lobes obtuse, nervose, margin somewhat undulate. Anthers 0.8 mm long, subsessile, ovate, tip produced, attached c. 0.7 mm above the corolla tube. Stigma conical, 0.5 mm long, glabrous, ± equalling. Style length. Stigmatic ring prominent. Fruit globose, compressed, 4-lobed, upper 2/3rd pilose. Nutlets c. 1.4 mm long, brown, faintly rugulose at the back.
Lower Taxon
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