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Pakistan | Family List | Hyacinthaceae | Bellevalia

1. Bellevalia glauca (Lindl.) Kunth, Enum. 4: 309. 1843. Feinburn in Palest. J. Bot. Jarusalem Ser. 1(4): 364. 1940; Wendelbo in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 165: 157. 1990.


Bellevalia glauca

Credit: P. Furse

  • Muscari ciliata var. glauca (Lindl.) Boiss.
  • Muscari glaucum Lindl.

    Bulb 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter. Leaves 5-6, not exceeding the raceme, 12-32 mm broad, margin hairy. Scape 1-2 (-4) (including raceme) up to 45 cm long, scape mostly elongating further. Pedicel in the lower part up to 25 mm long. Perianth tube 6.5-9 mm long, campanulate, purplish, later becoming purplish green, lobes about half as long as the tube. Anther c. 1 mm long, blue or lilac. Infrutescence conical, pedicel 5-6 cm long, spreading outwards. Capsule 10-14 mm long, obovate or rarely elliptic or ovate-elliptic, tip retuse.

    Fl.Per.: March-April

    Type: Described from mountains of Persia-rocky places in mountains and steppes. Bot. Reg. 13: t. 309. 1843.

    Distribution: Iraq, Persia, Pakistan (Baluchistan).

    Stocks 934 has been identified by R. R. Stewart (Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. Kashm. 50. 1972) and Wendelbo (l.c.) as Bellevelia saviczii Woron., however, according to the characters of the ratio of the lengths of the lobes and the tube, as stated by Wendelbo (in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 165: 157, 161. 1990 and in Townsend & Guest, Fl. Iraq 8: 115. 1985) it is identified as Bellevalia glauca (Lindl.) Kunth


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